Hormone replacement therapy Queens, NY

Introduction to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the administration of hormones to treat deficiencies associated with aging or other medical conditions. As we age, hormone levels naturally decline, leading to unpleasant symptoms. HRT can help alleviate these issues by restoring hormones to optimal levels.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic in Queens, we specialize in personalized hormone replacement therapy to help patients regain energy, vitality and an overall improved quality of life. We offer a variety of HRT programs for both men and women to address hormone imbalances related to aging and other factors like stress or medical conditions.

Common Hormones Replaced

The most common hormones replaced through HRT include:

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, our physicians test hormone levels through bloodwork or saliva then develop customized treatment plans involving hormones like testosterone, estrogen or thyroid hormones. We offer a variety of delivery methods including oral medications, creams, patches and injections.

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Benefits of HRT

Hormone replacement therapy provides many benefits when hormones are properly balanced under medical supervision. Potential benefits include:

Alleviation of Deficiency Symptoms

Restoring optimal hormone levels alleviates deficiency symptoms and helps patients feel more like their old selves again. Those with low testosterone may see improved energy, sex drive and muscle mass once levels are corrected. Perimenopausal and postmenopausal women often experience complete relief from troublesome menopause symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia and vaginal discomfort.

Protective Health Effects

HRT provides protective health effects including:

Those with hypothyroidism or other hormone deficiencies also benefit from HRT restoring optimal hormonal balance for overall health.

Improved Quality of Life

By alleviating deficiency symptoms, improving energy and mood, and preserving vitality, HRT dramatically enhances one’s quality of life. Our patients routinely report life-changing improvements in areas like energy, mental focus, self-confidence, body composition, sleep quality and relationships.

Regain vitality and improve quality of life!

Diagnosing Hormone Deficiencies

The first step in hormone replacement therapy is accurately diagnosing hormone deficiencies through proper testing. At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we use advanced testing to pinpoint imbalances.

Importance of Accurate Testing

Proper hormone testing is crucial because:

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we go beyond the standard screening test to precisely determine your hormone status so we can properly restore optimal levels.

Types of Hormone Tests

We utilize advanced hormone tests like:

Blood testing - Provides an accurate “snapshot” of circulating hormone levels at the time of the blood draw. We prefer more extensive blood panels assessing “free” (active) vs. bound hormone levels over time to gauge fluctuations.

Saliva testing - Effective for monitoring free cortisol and DHEA which mostly exist in saliva. Saliva tests are also useful for evaluating circadian hormonal rhythms over 24 hours. Multiple samples more reliably reflect hormone variances.

Urine testing - Helps evaluate metabolites of hormones like melatonin and progesterone to assess deficiencies. First morning void urine best reflects overnight hormone activity.

Based on your needs, symptoms and conditions, our physicians determine the appropriate method or combination of hormone tests to best assess your deficiencies. We also test thyroid, vitamin D, inflammation markers and other hormones influencing how you feel. Ongoing testing helps monitor and continually optimize your hormone therapy regimen over time.

HRT Options for Men and Women

Hormone Harmony Clinic offers customized hormone replacement therapy programs for both men and women to safely and effectively restore optimal hormone balance:

Male HRT (TRT)

We provide comprehensive treatment for low testosterone, or “low T,” also called hypogonadism in men. Beyond the typical testosterone screening test, we use extensive blood analysis to accurately diagnose low T based on “free” (active) testosterone levels.

If low T is confirmed, we customize an effective testosterone replacement regimen based on your needs, preferences and medical history. TRT options include:

We closely monitor your treatment progress through follow up blood tests and tune your regimen until you report satisfactory symptom alleviation and restored wellness. Ongoing testing helps maintain stable T levels long term.

Female HRT

Hormone Harmony Clinic helps women effectively and safely address hormone deficiencies related to perimenopause, menopause or other conditions like premature ovarian failure. We accurately diagnose imbalances then offer customized regimens like:

Combined HRT - For symptomatic menopausal women, we often recommend combined estrogen progesterone therapy, sometimes with testosterone too. Combined HRT alleviates hot flashes, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis risk and more while minimizing cancer risks.

Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) - We frequently utilize body-identical hormones that are biochemically similar to human hormones. Popular bioidentical hormones used in HRT include estriol, progesterone and testosterone which evidence suggests are safer long term.

Alternative delivery methods - Beyond traditional oral tablets and creams, alternative hormone delivery options include sublingual drops/troches, pellets, patches and vaginal inserts to improve absorption and compliance.

As with male HRT, we monitor female patients closely via repeat blood or saliva tests, tune dosing accordingly and work diligently to optimize wellness through proper hormonal balance.

Interesting fact

Recent research has surprisingly found that hormone therapy started early in menopause may provide cognitive benefits for some women. A 2021 study showed that women who began estrogen-only therapy within 6 years of menopause had better verbal memory and other cognitive scores compared to women further from menopause or taking different therapies.

Importance of Timely Treatment

It's vital to have hormone deficiencies properly diagnosed and treated as early as possible before negative health consequences develop or worsen over time.

Health Declines Over Time

When key hormones like testosterone, estrogen or thyroid hormones drop too low for too long, patients experience increasingly bothersome symptoms and associated health risks like:

By accurately diagnosing deficiencies early through proper testing, hormone therapy can effectively help halt or reverse this age-related deterioration before it’s too late.

Better Results When Treated Early

Research confirms hormone replacement therapy produces far better results the earlier treatment begins:

The take home message is to have any suspected hormone issues properly evaluated right away for best outcomes. Don’t delay!

Regain your energy, vitality, and quality of life!

Why Choose Hormone Harmony Clinic for Your HRT

When seeking hormone replacement therapy, it’s wise to choose an experienced functional medicine clinic like Hormone Harmony Clinic over retail clinics for optimal safety and results.

Extensive HRT Experience & Expertise

Our award winning physicians have specialized in effective bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for over 20 years and counting. We stay current on the latest HRT research and continually refine our treatment programs for enhanced security and effectiveness. Our expertise translates into superior patient outcomes.

Customized Treatment Plans

Every patient has unique needs, preferences and conditions requiring an individualized approach. Cookie-cutter hormone therapy typically disappoints. We spend extensive time assessing each patient as a whole person to tailor HRT regimens promoting peak wellness and vitality. Ongoing fine tuning helps further optimize treatment plans over time.

Supportive Environment Focused on You

Our welcoming clinic strives to make HRT a truly supportive experience focused on your needs from beginning to end. We educate and empower patients as partners in their care. Many develop friendships connecting with other patients on their journey toward reclaiming wellness.

Hormone Harmony Clinic remains your trusted partner for the long haul. We take pride in changing lives for the better and look forward to doing the same for you! Please call us today to begin your HRT journey!

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